Penetration Testing

A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a way to simulate cyber-attack against an IT infrastructure to identify exploitable vulnerabilities. The test is conducted against internet or internal servers, web apps, network devices and anything related to IOT.

Our services of penetration testing provides the hybrid approach which relies upon both the manual and automated methods of testing. Dual layer Cyber Tech provides the following types of Pen Tests

Black Box Pen Testing

In a Black Box Pen test, the client does not provide DLCT with any information about their infrastructure. For internal tests the customer may provide no more than a network point for the tester to connect in to. For external tests, this may simply be a URL or even just the company name that is in scope for assessment.

DLCT is tasked with testing the environment as if they were an attacker with no information about the infrastructure or application logic that they are testing. Black Box pen tests tend to take longer to commission than White Box pen tests and may identify less exposures and vulnerabilities than those of White Box tests.

Grey Box Pen Testing

This type of test mixes the testing methodologies from Black Box Pen test and White Box Pen Testing . Customer shares partial information to conduct such testing . Such information can produce better scan results than the one as Black Box Test.

White Box Pen Testing

As the name defines, this type of test is basically conducted based on all information available about a system or application. The customer provides proper logins for testing specially created for this type of testing to produce the best results for a test. The client may provide extra information about any code, systems info and configuration as they can fit and if within scope then DLCT will perform the tests based on available information.

White box testing is mainly conducted to get deeper identification of the possible threats present and to produce detailed information about such issues within customers environment.

Internal & External PT

The external Pen test and internal pen test are the broadly used definitions or standards when such tests are requested.

Internal PT

Internal Pen tests are more similar to White Box Pen Test which requires a consultant to be connected internally within the same network or within the same VLAN or subnet which is in scope for a test.

Internal Pen testing may involve more detailed scope in terms of the testing of the given environment including servers, web apps, Wifi , end points and other connected devices.

External PT

External pen test is more similar to Black Box Pen Testing where most tests are carried out with little to know knowledge of the environment, and everything is conducted externally.

To know more and or to conduct a Pen Test for your environment please reach us by filling out the appropriate details and we will be in touch accordingly.